

    super market, dream by akw -- Nov. 24, 2012

    i was in a grocery store. it wasn't no frills, but some place different. i don't think i was shopping, just wandering, when i saw a high school friend of mine. he was fiercely ambivalent about his palestinian roots; and was into grunge "before it was cool". we'd spent a lot of time philosophizing. he was a brilliant loner, proudly and remarkably feeble bodied, who had a sense of humor about as warped as mine; and we'd influence each others thinking a bit. or a lot. we were even in the same driving class. i've not seen him in years, and last i'd seen him he wasn't doing to well.

    in the dream though, he looked like he'd really been taking care of himself. his signature pasty complexion was rich and full. he'd let his hair grow out,didn't anymore walk with a stoop. he even seemed taller.

    we talked from one thing to the next. but, i found his answers clipped. when we got in the parking lot, he just hopped in green hatch back and sped away.