

    Elevator flips, dream by mikele -- May 8, 2012

    I am in an elevator with my old friends from high-school.  I push on the last floor, number 14.   I am surprised because the ride up is lasting for a long time, but finally we arrive. The door opens and we are above the engine that operates the elevator.  It has four cut conic metal structures resting on the rough, top cut-off, base star like with many branches.  The the elevator flips, a friend starts yelling my name to take control.  I manage to catch to a rope and not fall, and things come back into control.


    by mikele May 16, 2012, 2:37 p.m.

    yep, dealing with my current job :) Control over myself, scary sometimes!
    by Tsering_Om May 15, 2012, 9:20 p.m.

    It seems yu made lots of effort to get somewhere and for a moment it looks like everything can be lost, but you manage to take control over it.
    Is there anything that you judge requires control right now in your life?