

    valley, dream by jeremy.rutman

    I was at an encampment on one side of a desert valley, across from a series of mesa-like mountains. At some point a series of simultaneous explsions rippe through the mountains reshaping them to more like burka-wearingn women, with tons of colorful rock cascading down into the valley. A short while afterwards a knd of hut moved into our encampment. and I noticed that when the hut set down a woman slipped outof it surreptitously. Then a few minutes later a guy came out of the hut, apparently theo one who brought it over on his shoullders. I pointed this act of subterfuge out to my wife who was with me.

    At some later point in the night, prob a different d ream: I was looking at the google deepdream workspace which was a big clear sphere with circles of latitude formed into balconies where people were studiously coding. An indian guy at the bottom seemed to be in charge but instead of coding he seemed to be taking it easy, reading a paperback