

    at the coast, dream by jeremy.rutman -- Jan. 23, 2023

    I was at some coastal resort. At one point we were on motorboat getting ready to set out, it was still in dock and a turtle appeared just behind the boat. The sensation of gentle rocking was wonderful, a sensation one recalls from boat trip to boat trip. The turtle later revealed itself to be a kid in some sort of costume. Later we went to a seaside restaurant with some nice music playing, with a wonderfully relaxing atmosphere. At the entrance there was a german woman who I said hello to but she seemed too young to register me, maybe I was too old to appear on her social radar. We sat down, my cousins LR and LL were there . LR mentioned 'i'm such an asshole' talking about herself , i said 'yeah really' which made people laugh. She spoke of her 'pfo' which i guessed meant 'personal flotation object'. They left and i wondered if i was too boring for them. With some of those left we started looking at an impressive music jam setup - speakers, amps , and the like.