

    stash of cash, dream by jeremy.rutman -- Jan. 14, 2023

    I was visiting some friends at this idyllic green forest spot they had found in the city . Their daughter was some kind of star personality. A bunch of flamingos in costumes were wandering about. I was driving with a friend Nug (iirc) and Trey was there too.
    There was some druggy character who kept getting into trouble. We monitored a conversation he had with a mafia type who apparently had lent him money by watching the characters movement on a camera or something he was wearing, allowing us to watch on an iPad. Anyway I went and got some stash of money that was hidden in a bathroom above one of the ceiling panels in a wad of newspapers. I went out and gave the money to the troublemaker and tried to extract a promise he’d never go buy drugs with it again but it seemed pretty clear he wouldn’t be able to hold it together, and so giving the money wasn't only a waste but likely to lead to the character's further disintegration.